We have a medical room on ground floor which is managed by Fortis Hospital.Their staff nurse is present all through schooltime to look after children’s medical requirement.However,we recommend that a sick child should stay at home till the time he/she does not recover. In case of an emergency the child is taken to the hospital and parents are informed.
We offer Basketball,Cricket,Skating,Chess,TableTennis, Squash and Edusports PE program
We organize sports tournaments in Chess, Skating, Table Tennis and Basketball. We also take part in other competitions held in Chandigarh Tricity.
Our school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and we follow syllabus created by National Council for Educational Research and Training(NCERT)
We follow the CCE (continuous comprehensive assessment system)as per CBSE norms. Grades are evaluated through curricular and extra-curricular activities along with academics.
We offer Theatre, Movie Making,Photography,Art and Craft,Dance,Music,Robotics,Quizzes, Debates and more depending on the class.
We teach English, Hindi,Punjabi.
Our buses ply to almost all the areas in Mohali, Chandigarh, Kharar.We also cover major areas in Zirakpur and Kurali.
Our buses are equipped with cameras and GPS manned by fully trained staff. Parents can track the location of the buses at any point of time.
We have a team of house- keeping staff which is well trained by a supervisor.The school is cleaned round the clock to ensure proper hygiene.
The teachers are present in all the classrooms all the time. They are on duty during break time as well.We also have CCTV cameras installed at the main entrance areas of the school.Also all children carry identity cards. Our buses are equipped with GPS and Camera along-with the presence of a female attendant
In pre-primary classes the ratio is 1:15 and class 1 onwards it is 1:18
A smart class is effective when it is shown at a relevant point .We have smart classes(with air-conditioning) in every classroom
The children are seated at a comfortable distance from the projection. Moreover, the smart classes are not shown for long hours.
There is one snack break for pre-primary students and a snack and lunch break for primary, secondary and senior secondary students
Yes we offer wholesome well-balanced vegetarian meals.Morning snacks and lunch is provided to students which is prepared in our kitchen.
No, it is optional and separate charges to have paid.
The food sample is first checked by a responsible person for quality and taste and then served to children.Also, it is compulsory for all staff members to have food in the school to further ensure the quality.
Pre-primary classes the summer timings are from
9am to 12.50pm and winter timings are from 9.30am to 12.50pm
Class 1 and onwards the summer timings are from
7.50am to 2.35pm and winter timings are from 8.20am to 2.35pm
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